This was Carbon Removal Basel 2023

The summit brought together top experts and innovators in the space to discuss how to accelerate and scale high quality carbon removal and join forces to combat climate change. This inspiring day left us feeling truly motivated to continue on our mission of enabling trustworthy carbon removal at scale. We must all prioritize innovation and radical collaboration, which will maximize the impact we are creating.

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CDR Basel Footprint

We did the math: Carbon Removal Basel 2023 caused a total of 31.883 t of CO2e, including travel emissions from 160 attendees and speakers from all over the world. Carbonfuture compensated this CO2 footprint with a portfolio of durable CDR credits from biochar carbon removal projects in Germany and Austria. All retirement credits can be found here.

Panel Discussions & Keynotes


The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal

22:16 Min.


Carbon Removal Technology Presentations 1

13:30 Min.

Panel Discussion

Buyers' Perspective on a Carbon Market at Scale

53:51 Min.


How to Get to One Billion Tonnes Removed

12:03 Min.

Panel Discussion

MRV and Standards as the Foundation of a Scalable CDR Market

56:33 Min.


Carbon Removal Technology Presentations 2

10:38 Min.


Unleashing the Potential of Carbon Removal through Trust: The Key to Achieving Climate Goals

May 31, 2023

Meet Our Speakers

A special thank you to all of our speakers for sharing their fascinating insights!

Adam Sipthorpe

Senior Manager, Carbon Dioxide Removals at NextGen Facility (South Pole)

Dr. Berta Moya

Carbon Removal Sourcing and Methodology Development at Carbonfuture

Eve Tamme

Managing Director, Climate Principles

Eli Mitchell-Larson

Chief Science & Advocacy Officer and Co-Founder of Carbon Gap

Fabien Ramos

Carbon Removals Policy Officer at the European Commission

Florian Tiller

CEO at Ucaneo

Hans-Peter Schmidt

Founder and Research Director at Ithaka Institute

Henning Huenteler

Expert Associate Partner at Bain & Company and Strategic Advisor at Maya Climate

Dr. Jan Minx

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, MCC and Co-Author of "The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal"

Lisa Braune

Head of CDR at neustark

Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath

Geoscientist at the Institute for Geology, Hamburg University and Science Communicator

Marian Krüger

Co-Founder and Managing Director at remove

Marianne Tikkanen

Co-Founder of

Maurice Bryson

Founder of Silicate

René Haas

Co-founder and CEO of NeoCarbon

Ruben Brands

CEO and Co-founder of SeaO2

Tito Jankowski

CEO of AirMiners

Stephanie Bischof

Managing Director at Airfix

Tom Spencer

Environmental Management Specialist at Swiss Re

Travis Caddy

Associate at Evident

Ursula Finsterwald

Head Group Sustainability Management at LGT Private Banking

Venna von Lepel

Chief Carbon Officer & Chief Marketing Officer at Novocarbo


10:00 AM


10:30 AM

Opening Remarks

Hannes Junginger

CEO of Carbonfuture

10:45 AM

Keynote “The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal”

Jan Minx

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, MCC and co-author of "The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal"

11:15 AM

Panel Discussion “The Future of Carbon Removal Policy in Europe”

moderated by Sebastian Manhart

Senior Policy Advisor at Carbonfuture


Eli Mitchell-Larson

Chief Science & Advocacy Officer and Co-Founder of Carbon Gap

Eve Tamme

Managing Director, Climate Principles

Fabien Ramos

Carbon Removals Policy Officer at the European Commisson

Venna von Lepel

Chief Carbon Officer & Chief Marketing Officer at Novocarbo

12:15 PM

Carbon Removal Technology Presentations

moderated by Marian Krüger

Founder and Co-Lead of Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator and Decarbonization Lead at sus.lab, ETH Zurich


Maurice Bryson

Founder of Silicate

René Haas

Co-founder and CEO of NeoCarbon

Ruben Brands

CEO and Co-founder of SeaO2

12:30 PM


1:45 PM

Panel Discussion “Buyers' Perspective on a Carbon Market at Scale”

moderated by Dominic Lüdin

Chief Growth Officer at Carbonfuture


Adam Sipthorpe

Senior Manager, Carbon Dioxide Removals at NextGen Facility (South Pole)

Henning Huenteler

Expert Associate Partner at Bain & Company and Strategic Advisor at Maya Climate

Tom Spencer

Environmental Management Specialist at Swiss Re

Ursula Finsterwald

Head Group Sustainability Management at LGT Private Banking

2:45 PM

Keynote “How to Get to One Billion Tonnes Removed”

Tito Jankowski

CEO of AirMiners and Carbon Removal Entrepreneur

3:00 PM

Coffee Break

3:30 PM

Panel Discussion “MRV and Standards as the Foundation of a Scalable CDR Market”

moderated by Anna Lehner

Standards and Methodology Expert at Carbonfuture


Berta Moya

Carbon Removal Sourcing and Methodology Development at Carbonfuture

Hans-Peter Schmidt

Research Director at Ithaka Institute

Marianne Tikkanen

Co-Founder of

Travis Caddy

Associate at Evident

4:30 PM

Keynote “A bio-geo-love story”

Maria-Elena Vorrath

Geoscientist at the Institute for Geology, Hamburg University and Science Communicator

4:45 PM

Carbon Removal Technology Presentations

moderated by Marian Krüger

Founder and Co-Lead of Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator and Decarbonization Lead at sus.lab, ETH Zurich


Lisa Braune

Head of CDR at neustark

Florian Tiller

CEO at Ucaneo

Stephanie Bischof

Managing Director at Airfix

5:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Hannes Junginger

CEO of Carbonfuture

5:15 PM

Closing Reception